8 things to look for in a website design proposal

When getting a quote for your next website, there are a few critical items that you should see in every web design/development proposal that you get back. Obviously these may not apply to all proposals but a good general guide for anything website design/development related.

  • How long has the company been around? With any industry, there are several companies/freelancers that are flying by the seat of their pants. You will generally get these website for a little cheaper, but you usually pay the price elsewhere (communication, delays, expertise, etc…). It’s important that you see that the company has built other website similar to yours either in industry or in size.
  • How does the company handle changes in scope? There should be a clear concise way of handling changes in scope, because the reality is that scope changes on almost every project. You want to see something like a change order, or a document that outlines the scope change process. Usually changes in scope have a cost, and that cost should have a signature attached to it so the client is always in the know.
  • What is the Cost? This is obvious. Have an exact price of what your project is going to cost. Determine which fees are optional and which ones are required.
  • What is the payment schedule? Know exactly when payments are due and for how much. Typical payment schedules depend on the size of the proposal, but are usually 50/50 or 35/35/30. Please don’t ever pay 100% of your proposal up front. It’s also very normal for companies to not start work until a deposit is made.
  • Is the company that you are using insured? Things happen that are out of everyone’s control. Everybody makes mistakes, and you need to know that if a mistake is made either by the company doing your website or someone internal to your business that you are covered. You should look for proof of an insurance policy that covers errors and omissions for at least $500,000. This protects the company you are doing business with and your company. The insured amount changes if the project is larger or there is a significant potential for loss of revenue (eCommerce).
  • Does the company have references? The company should either provide testimonials, references or the ability to check references. It’s always nice to see what others have to say about the company you are about to use.
  • Are the legal terms sufficient? The legal terms should spell out exactly what happens in the event there is litigation. The legal terms should also clarify if deposits are refundable, and who owns the intellectual property once the project is paid for in full. Once you pay in full, you should ALWAYS own all intellectual property. It’s unacceptable for anyone not to hand over assets once the contract is paid in full.
  • What are you actually getting? It needs to be very clear what will be delivered for each line item on the proposal. Single line items with simply just a name and a cost aren’t good. For example, if you are paying for design, does that come with 1 mockup or two? Also, are revisions included in this price or billed extra?

Overall, we believe these items are the key pieces that need to be in a well written website design proposal.







Mobile Website Design

No doubt about it, the demand for mobile web design is growing like a mushroom cloud. You want to get your business on board before you get left in the dust. Professional Phoenix Web Design developers can offer you advanced services for both web design and mobile marketing. The investment in these services will be well worth it.

The rate at which the use of mobile internet is growing is nothing less than tremendous, and the boom is really just in its infancy. Projections are that mobile use of the internet will continue to grow for years. The frenzied appetite for Phoenix Web Design in the mobile market was instigated by two key developments. The first was the onset of mobile technology. Wireless application protocol has enabled handheld devices to access the internet. As this technology becomes more and more main stream, prices drop, making these devices accessible to the greater population. In time, such devices will surely be considered a necessity, where they were once a luxury for those with extra means. The more that users that have access to such devices and actively use them, the greater the demand will be for Phoenix Web Design that is specifically suited to mobile applications.

The second factor that has fed the frenzied appetite for Phoenix Web Design for the mobile market is increased connectivity. Over time, mobile connectivity becomes accessible to more and more users as the price point drops to reasonable levels. Mobile connectivity also continues to get steadily faster and better. As a result, more and more people are accessing the internet on the mobile devices.

All this demand for mobile web access has put the pressure on Phoenix Web Design developers. Websites have traditionally been built for use on laptop and desktop computers. Unfortunately, these websites do not work correctly on mobile devices. This is primarily due to the discrepancy in screen size. As a result, websites have to produce altered layouts of their site that are mobile browser compatible.

As more and more mobile users turn to their devices to access the internet, profits will become more and more tethered to mobile-friendly web design. With greater and greater frequency, mobile users are making decisions while browsing on the mobile devices. They are researching, purchasing, booking, and reserving online. Websites that are not correctly rendered for wireless application protocol (WAP) browsers will soon be bypassed and overlooked by this large body of users.

Mobile web design providers offer a variety of services to make your website mobile compatible. If you have an existing website, they can assist you in developing a WAP friendly version. When mobile access is detected, this version will be displayed. If you do not already have a website, these developers can start from scratch and create both desktop and mobile websites to enable e-commerce for your business.
There is no doubt about the fact that mobile web access is the wave of the future. If you want to keep your business viable online, you have got to dive in now. Professional design services can provide you with web design that is WAP compatible and mobile search that is optimized to keep your business on the cusp of mobile access technology.

What Is Google’s Algorithm Change “Top Heavy” And What Does It Mean For Me?

What Is Top Heavy?

Top Heavy 2 is an adjustment to the original Top Heavy algorithm change that occurred in January 2012.  This change was in response to users constantly complaining about landing on web pages and not seeing any relevant content to what they searched for.  Above the fold refers to everything a user sees when they land on your website, the upper most region of the web page where most websites put their most important content.

In the past, SEOs would put lots of keyword dense content below the fold in hopes that they could get rankings by putting content the user most likely will not read below the fold, in essence, tricking Google into believing they have great content related to that query.

Why All The Recent Algorithm Changes?

Throughout 2012 Google has sent a strong and very clear message on search engine results; that is quality.  In previous years SEO was an additional service many development companies provide and just purchase links and markup the service.  A lot of companies made good money during this time period, meanwhile putting a bad mark on industry leaders that provide great on-page SEO, inbound marketing and ethical services that result in natural link acquisition that ultimately increase rankings and sustain rankings over a long period.

Google knew what was going on, and now seems as though they have finally had enough of people buying links, spinning content, stuffing content and overwhelming the user will content that isn’t readable.

 What Does This Mean For Me?

Fortunately, the recent algorithm changes focus entirely on user experience and quality.  If you are trying to give your customer the best experience on your website and have good intentions, you will continue to see your rankings move in an upward trend.  If you are trying to outsmart Google and manipulate the algorithm, you will most likely see short-term gains that will be followed with a significant drop and increase efforts in recovery.

If you keep your user in mind and try and create great content, great tools and a great product or service, you will ultimately get links naturally and see great results.  That being said, you still need great on-page SEO, rapid page load speed and a compliant website in order to see great results.

Where Do I go From Here?

In general, create exceptional content and built a strong community.  This is not an easy process, you have to become an authority in your industry so people will respect your content and see value in it.  When we say create exceptional content, we don’t just mean create a weekly blog post.

Find creative ways to not only promote your business, but also provide helpful resources and build interactive media to keep your users engaged.  Your content has to be purposeful and fulfill a need, people in general are becoming smarter on the web and don’t waste time with thin content, everything needs to have substance.  Oh yeah, and share everything!

Interviewing Senior Level PHP Programmers

This post is intended to educate interviewers and interviewees on what I ask with my programming team to qualify candidates for hiring high level PHP developers.


Question #1:

We draw the following URL on a while board and have the candidate identify each part of the URL.  Keep in mind, we start very BASIC to get them comfortable white boarding and then slowly get more difficult.


We ask them to identify the SSL piece of the URL, the domain name, the model, view, controller and action.  For any senior level developer, if you ask them what MVC stands for and they say anything other than model, view, controller….you should be wary.

 Question #2:

We ask the candidate to write a function that passes two variables and returns a string.  Again, this is very basic and if they are unable to do this, or take more than 5 minutes to do so you may not be dealing with a senior level developer.

Question #3:

Setup a class called Jams that inherits Jellies.

Question #4:

Please define in your terms what refactoring means?

Question #5:

Write a getter and a setter method that takes in a number with a  decimal and outputs a number without a decimal.

Question #6 (fizz buzz test):

Using php code (not looking for exact syntax) please do the following:

Write a script that echo’s the #’s 1 – 100.

For #’s that are a multiple of 3, print fizz instead of the number

For #’s that are a multiple of 5, print buzz instead of the number

For #’s that are a multiple of 3 and 5, print fizzbuzz instead of the number

This question will give you an in depth look into there problem solving skills, reasoning and there approach to coding while not in front of there computer.


Question #1:

We draw a basic layout of a website that has a container div centered on a page, a header, navigation, content and footer div inside the container and have the candidate code the layout in html and css on the whiteboard.  We realize there is lots of ways to code layouts, we are just looking to make sure they understand cross browser compliance, standards and aren’t using tables.

Question #2:

What is the proper way to write a break tag that will validate in transitional doc type.


Question #1:

Write a basic jquery selector.  Also write a small block of jquery that adds two numbers together and appends the result to a div called total.

Question #2:

Define AJAX and how you have used it in a web application.


We then ask them what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are.  Depending on how they answer this question we have the white board something tailored to there strength and white board something tailored to there weakness….to see how weak they are and how strong they are according to us.

This all generally takes about an hour with limited amounts of wasted time.  We are looking for programmers that can program from scratch (not looking for exact syntax but more for deficient/clean decision making.




Our Efficient & Effective Website Design Process

Website design is a constantly evolving term.  Five years ago I would tell you that a web designer is someone who can create a layout for a website and utilize brand guidelines to create the look and feel for a website.

Today, a website designer has to truly understand the functionality of the website that they are designing.  Website designers have to develop the interactivity and user experience of the site.  No longer does a website designer just design a layout, they are the brainchild of the overall functionality, user experience and have to understand how to direct the user through the website in an easy to use way that seems intuitive.
Website Design Scottsdale

At Epic Web Solutions, our design process takes a simple and effective approach to website design.  Although we encourage our clients to be in the driver seat, our experience and expertise is what guide the process along by setting priorities and the overall goal and purpose of the website.

It may sound simple, but the early discussions prior to the website design set the foundation for the entire design process.  We have to truly understand our clients’ products and/or services before we can begin the design.

We break out our design process into seven simple phases, they are below (see slideshare for more detail):

Phase 1: Initiate

Initiate the design process by sending our client a design questionnaire that will not only help our designer from a creative standpoint, but help our client to really think about all the elements that go along with a website.  This tool has been effective of the last several years because it encourages our clients to get involved and think of creative ways to use the website to send their message and promote their products and/or services.

Phase 2: Wireframe

Once our clients have completed the design questionnaire and have developed thoughts about what the purpose of the website is, we conduct a meeting that goes over the design questionnaire and begin to wireframe.  Each website we develop has a different purpose, and needs to be treated accordingly.  Wire framing helps the client and designer visualize the bones of the website.  This phase gets our client and the lead designer on the same page and develops a good starting point for design.

Phase 3: Initial Home Page Designs

Our designers will provide several home page concepts that are based on the business requirements, goal, purpose and other elements that the client has provided.  During this process our project manager will review the concepts at certain milestones to make sure that the requirements and overall functionality is on track with the company.

Phase 4: Revision Process

Once the home page design concepts are presented to our client, we set aside a time to meet and go over the elements of the website design and our designers explain the process and why they chose that direction.  During this review, our clients are able to interject and elaborate on concepts to help the designer with direction.  In many cases our clients like concepts from multiple designs.  At this point, the project manager and design team go over the request changes and determine the best way to incorporate the new information and feedback into the design, while maintaining the overall goal and purpose.

Phase 5: Final Home Page Revisions

After some back and forth with the home page concepts, we determine a final list of changes and wrap up the home page concept.  During this time, we go over functionality and how the user will interact with the website.  Once our client signs off on the design, we being to build out the sub page layouts.

Phase 6: Sub page Design

We have discovered that the most efficient way to complete the design process is to design the subpage after the home page has been approved.  This way we can carry the home page design and concept throughout the entire website in the appropriate way.  During this phase, we go through the same revision process.

Phase 7: Final Review

Once the home page and sub page have been finalized by our design team, we provide a final design review.  This meeting is to tighten and loose ends and ensure that the design meets all the brand and business requirements as well as conveys the message that our client is trying convey through their website.

Why Hire An Arizona SEO Writing Company?

If you manage a website and a business to go with it, chances are that you will be or perhaps already have been looking for a way to boost the traffic to your website. In order for you to get more business, you will need to have a greater online presence. There are many ways that you can boost the traffic to your website so that you will hopefully have a boost in business. There are many different online marketing techniques that will help your business come out on top and ahead of the competition. If you are looking for some good online marketing strategies, you may want to consider hiring an Arizona SEO writing company. There are many benefits that you might just experience when you have someone do the writing for you.

One of the benefits of hiring an Arizona SEO writing company is that you will not have to worry about writing the articles yourself. If you are the owner of the company and have to run everything, you probably do not want one more thing to do and one more thing to stress you out. A professional Arizona SEO writing company might be just what you need. As long as you find a really great writing company, you can just hire them to write your articles and will know that they are perfect and ready for your use when you get them back. Professional writers are trained on how to write a good SEO article that will get results. You will not have to stress over whether or not you have written the article correctly or if you have good enough content in it. You can just leave it to someone who does it for a living and can do what you do best with your business!

Another benefit of hiring an Arizona SEO writing company is that the traffic to your website should increase in a matter of months, with the increased chance that your success will also rise. When someone does an online search, the search engine will look for content that has the searched-for word (or words) in it and will put those at the head of the search. The more relevant the articles, the more they will be pulled up at the top of the search. When your website is at the head of the search, people will be more likely to click on your link. Most people think that the first or second references are the best, even if they aren’t in reality. Also, many people will not look past the first, sometimes second page of results. If you are in the beginning selections of search results your website will get more hits. As your website gets more hits, the search engines will pull it up more during similar searches. The process will continue until you are at the top of your business!

If you are looking for a great way to increase your online presence, SEO writing might be the key. There are many benefits that come when you hire Arizona SEO writers to help you out with marketing your website correctly. As you market your site, it will gain in popularity and your business should begin to do better than before.